My good friend Becki Brallier came up to the hospital right after little Nate was born to get a few shots of our newest little addition. It's such a special time with your spouce when you meet your child for the first time, these pictures mean a lot to me, thank-you so much for being there Bex! Check out here other work
Enjoy little Nate and sorry I have no shirt on!If it offends you DON'T SCROLL DOWN!!!! LOL.
The day after little Nate arrived aunt Chelsie and the girls showed up. They where planning on being here to stay with the boys while we where in the hospital but little Nate beat them to the punch. Still they made it just one day after he was born and where a HUGE help to us.
After coming up to the hospital to meet our newest little man the Wolff's adopted AJ and Miles into their pack and set off on their Portland adventures. They wanted to make sure to see everything they could while they where here and really experience Portland the way we have over the past 3 years.
Starting with the Park:
The Pool:
The Zoo: OMSI: Saturday Market: They also found a little time for bed jumping, nail painting, and Nate snuggling. LOOKS LIKE THE BOYS REALLY TUCKERED TEHM OUT! LOL, goodnight Syd!