I know that it has been a week since my last post so I have a lot t catch you up on. On Thursday night we went out to Fort Macleod for the annual Blue and White. Jordan is involved in all the school sports and will be graduating this year so we went out to see what awards he would be presented with. Since the cerimony usuall lasts about three hours we left AJ at home with Dusting and Lyndsey. the evening started out with the Jr. High and the drama award, it was a little slow. During this time I realized it's time for a pedicure, yuck!
It was a really great date night for poy and I, Jordan came home with every award there is, and we were able to sit and visit at the Poytress's untill 11:00. Jordan is a really amazing guy and we are so happy that AJ has him to look up to. All of the award presenters had nothing but good things to say about him, what a great missionary he's going to make!
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