All the worms are officially drowned in Lethbridge, the rain can stop any day now! We have been stuck in the house ever since we got back from Arizona but at least we have our fun trip to look back on! Since the sump pump in our home is unusually noise and located directly under AJ's bedroom, he's been sleeping in our closet. It's not the best set-up but it works. After a few long night's AJ and Aaron couldn't fight it anymore and finally crashed
They sure are good looking boys!
It hasn't all been soggy days stuck in side since we got back. Last night our good friends Toad & Chuck had us over for dinner. We had delicious quesadillas followed by Aaron's all time favorite Banana Cream Pie!!! Char-lane did an amazing job on dinner and it was so nice to get out of the house. Before getting AJ home to bed we stopped over at the Derricott's to meet their newest little family member, Sadie June. She is a beautiful, healthy, baby girl, talk about giving a girl baby fever!! Just kidding, hearing about her labour reminded me of all the sacrifices mom's make.
AJ was so excited about Saidie, every time we asked him where the baby was he was he would go over to who ever had her and just stare. He loved touching he soft hair and was so gentle with her. She was smacking her lips a little so AJ put his finger in his mouth and she sucked on it. He was so exited, he looked up at me with a big smile and said, "ooooooooo" Anyways it was really cute, one day he's going to be a great big brother. Until then he will just have to settle for a new little cousin this December!
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